
NEW YORK FOR BEGINNERS: Night Life, Jazz, Subways and Restaurants with a Personal Guide

Coming to New York for a short time? Don’t want to waste time? Like jazz? Our service will come and pick you up, accompany you to the jazz clubs that play the music you wish to hear, and bring you safely back home. If you prefer the blues bands, the big bands, jam sessions, small intimate jazz clubs, big halls for swing dancing…whatever you like, we will help you enjoy it!

In addition to jazz club visits, we have staff who will walk you through other issues that may elude you: how to maneuver the subways and busses; how to manage the menu and the tips in restaurants;  where to go if you want to dine late at night; whatever you wish to learn, and haven’t found in the guide books, we have someone to take you there. Prices reasonable.  Tell your friends and spread the word!

La prima volta a New York?  Problemi con la metropolitana, le
ordinazioni o le mance al ristorante?

Oppure gia sai tutto sopra, ma semplimente non sai dove e come
sentire un CONCERTO JAZZ di uno stile particolare da te preferito, o per assistere ad una  vera Jam Session nella compagnia di veri musicisti?

Vuoi  conoscere la vera ” Big Apple”?

Con New York for Beginners, puoi scoprire l’autentica New York ad un prezzo ragionevole con programmi personalizzati adatti alle esigenze di chi vuole conoscere davvero la città che  non dorme mai! Passaparola!


718 278 5331


  1. Hi Carol…I LOVE this great idea…and I may be one of the many to grab this opportunity you offer…
    I’ll let you know..I’ll tell you..it’s not a secret anymore…I’m dreaming (hope I’ll be able to say “PLANNING”) to go to NYC again this year..with some other friends-jazz lovers ..maybe for the New Year’s Eve to get a chance of giggin’ around for a few days in Jazz-Clubs to watch, to play, to sing, to learn…and you are THE ONE to make my dream come true…
    A STRONG HUG from Emy (we met in Rome a couple of weeks ago…in the Wine Bar near the Colosseo..don’t know if you remember me …”Take the A train”…you just meet so many people around the world…)

  2. This is a great business idea, build it and they will come I hope!

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